Have you ever noticed that you never learned to worry? Unfortunately, it is something easy and natural that destroys the life of the person who is worried and those around him. It is, however, something that has no place in the life of a follower of Christ. So let's take a moment to see how to overcome worry and be free from it. Because God's plan for you is that you don't worry about anything (cf. Matthew 6: 24-34) and that on the contrary you become a catalyst of faith for the world around you ...

The first thing to overcome worry is to take the right perspective, which is to recognize that God is in control and has established you in His Kingdom (cf. John 15:16). You are this tree that He planted and it is the natural result of having responded to His call to entrust your life to Him as the previous verse says so well (cf. Jeremiah 17: 7). The important thing is not where you are physically, what is essential is knowing that you are near the waters, which represents the presence of God. God is there for you, He put you where you are for a purpose and He remains in control ...

To overcome worry we need to know how to extend our roots to the stream. It is about investing time to be with God and live in His presence. What we do by meditating on His Word (cf. Psalm 1: 2-3) and prayer. As we act we are nourished and refreshed by what God says and confirmed in His presence. The image of the roots is important, because they do not simply go to the current to withdraw from it after receiving the necessary ones, they stay there. Thus, we are called to know how to remain anchored on what God says, His promises as well as in the peace procured in Him. You were created to live in His presence ...

To live in this heart to heart with God is to have leaves which remain green, it is an image of our life which is always above (cf. Deuteronomy 28:13). May our hearts be in peace and trust because we know that God reigns, in joy and fullness because we know our identity and our heritage, but also in gratitude and love because we enter into our destiny which is His mission ... It is because we remain anchored where He has placed us and that we develop the relationship with Him that we never cease to bear fruit ... And the fruit of a disciple is other disciples, it is what you are called to experience.

Last thing, drought can and will happen, hardships and hardships, however there is no need to worry as we know where and by whom we are rooted and with whom we dwell ... So I don't know where you are today, however, I would like to encourage you to position yourself in the faith in order to adopt His perspective. Recognize that God has established you where you are, take the time to extend your roots to Him and abide in Him… He is in control, so don't let worry dominate you.

God has blessed you richly so that you bless abundantly ...


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