These words of Christ constitute His order of mission for all His disciples until His return. For about three years Jesus was with His disciples, they lived together and now there is a handover. As He goes to the Father, Jesus hands over the responsibility of making disciples to those He has trained. It is up to them to set in motion and Mark 16:20 reveals to us that Jesus worked with them as they set in motion. When we receive a relay baton, we have the responsibility to run with it in the track which is ours and according to the rules which are imposed on us ...
Here Jesus does not pass the baton to the few hundred people present. He goes further than that in passing on this responsibility of making disciples to all who will be baptized. So to you and me - if you've ever been baptized by immersion. In verse 20, Jesus says to teach them to do all that He has prescribed. Which starts with making disciples. What makes your baptism your consecration to the ministry.
There is no need to wait any longer to begin doing the works of Christ and manifesting His Kingdom by praying for the sick, sharing the love of Christ, and inviting people to meet and follow Jesus. Not only do you have the right to do it, but it is what you are called to experience. The Holy Spirit lives in you and He is with you, waiting for you to take action to act and confirm His Word in the lives of the people around you. Invite them to become your imitators as you yourself are of Christ (cf. 1 Corinthians 11.1).
Your dedication to the ministry involves being set apart to serve Him and accomplish His will. This is what happened when you were immersed in the waters of baptism, you died in Christ to be resurrected with Him (cf. Romans 6: 4). The ministry does not require us to be perfect or to have reached a certain level of maturity… What is needed is the willingness to obey God and to develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit. As we set in motion, it is He who acts around us ...
Understanding the fact that our baptism is our consecration to the ministry allows us to come out of the standstill as well as anything that could make us believe that we have no right or cannot serve Him. God chose you, He saved you, you responded to His call by obeying through baptism and now He is sending you into His harvest so that you can make the difference… So it's up to you!
God has blessed you richly so that you bless abundantly ...