par Luc Favre | 29, Jan, 2021 | A Word of Life
Last March when the covid crisis started, one of the first thoughts that came to me was: "like in Joseph's time, the world is going to be put into slavery." And that's what happens, the world is caught in the slavery of the ...
par Luc Favre | 21, Jan, 2021 | A Word of Life
A few years ago we had received a car for the church and we hastened to have it stamped with the name, address and website of the church. I quickly noticed that when I was using it my driving was different than ...
par Luc Favre | 14, Jan, 2021 | A Word of Life
Imagine, you arrive in the sky, you are introduced (e) in a projection room. After you sit down in a comfortable chair with your favorite drink and some snacks, a movie will start. From the first seconds you are struck by these images of a life ...
par Luc Favre | 12, Jan, 2021 | A Word of Life
To be meaningful in life and to be successful is something that every human being aspires to. For we were created in the image of God, with a unique destiny (cf. Genesis 9: 7 and Ephesians 2:10). To be successful is therefore simply to accomplish what we have been ...
par Luc Favre | 1, Jan, 2021 | A Word of Life
When times are difficult, people often say that tomorrow will be better… A bit like a fate, where we endure the present in the hope that better days will arrive. It sounds reassuring and yet it's so empty, without any ...