God has planned great things for your life (cf. Ephesians 2:10)… His plans for you go far beyond anything you can think of and imagine. If He has not yet done so, He wants to reveal these things to you, and I would like to encourage you to take time in His presence to allow Him to reveal His will to you… You will be amazed, because it goes far beyond what you can do in your time in earthly life. It is normal and if you think you can do them alone and completed in the years that remain to you to live, your vision is too small, seek His presence, open your heart and let the Holy Spirit widen you ...

There are two reasons why what God has planned for you is so amazing. First of all because He has chosen to make you His partner for His work. It does not depend on your abilities and your strengths, but on your dependence on His presence and His power. God wants to do things with you, what a privilege! The second reason is that God has a community vision, that of teamwork. The vision that He has for you involves other people, that you can act together in His unity so that His kingdom comes ...

And if you take the time to read the book of Nehemiah you will discover this truth and the result. 52 days to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem (cf. Nehemiah 6:15). Which was only possible as long as the whole people were united together and God worked with them - it is not written, but I am convinced that the angels took part in the work. There is an important aspect in the above verse, Nehemiah is bringing the people together because there is pressure. They were already in the action for the fulfillment of the vision, however they were scattered, each making their own piece of the wall. It happens the same for us, we serve God but we are alone and isolated in what we do ...

Nehemiah brings the people together because there is pressure and a fight because he understood that being dispersed makes them more vulnerable. Likewise for us, isolation makes us more fragile and inclined to give in to the pressures of combat. The result of unity is that “our God will fight for us”. It is about being able to support one another, to agree in prayer and to strengthen each other in Him. Let us remember His promise, one scares away a thousand and two ten thousand (cf. Deuteronomy 32:30). Here it is spoken of hearing the sound of the horn, it is to be close enough to the other to hear the cry of his heart to come to his aid, and that the other can hear your heart. This implies knowing how to open up to each other in order to share while knowing how to make oneself vulnerable.

Another aspect of being dispersed is that it prevents us from keeping the big picture… We work for what is in our heart without having the prospect of the Kingdom of God, which God puts in our heart fits into the globality of His plan and His project. By being close to each other, we can multiply the impact of our actions. Let us remember that His vision can only be fulfilled as long as we are together! The more we come together and collaborate, the more things we can accomplish. It is the power in being gathered ...

To return to the sound of the horn, it is about the silver trumpets which were used to gather the people (cf. Numbers 10: 2). The silver that the trumpets are made of represents redemption, which Christ did on the cross for us. So we come together on the basis of the cross recognizing that we are one, His body, to fulfill His vision, His kingdom come. The Holy Spirit calls us out of our solitude to serve with others for His Kingdom. It is up to you to respond to His call to become a person who gathers and who unites with others ... 

God has blessed you richly so that you bless abundantly ...


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