This is certainly one of the greatest offering to be found in the Bible. One may be astonished by what Solomon offered on the day of the dedication of the Temple (cf. 1 Kings 8:63) or by other extravagant offerings, however all are inferior to what this widow put. Because the value of the offering is not in what is given but in the sacrifice which is made and the act of faith. So God never considers what we give, but the attitude of our heart when we give it. So let's be inspired by this woman because God has planned that His disciples will be the most generous people on earth.

The first thing that is surprising here is that we know what this widow gave. Jesus was looking at what the people were wearing. This even though He is going to say that when we give our left hand we do not know what the right is doing (cf. Matthew 6: 3). This does not mean that our offering has to be something secret. If you look at the previous verse you will see that it is a question of motivation, that of being seen and of the image that one gives of oneself. It doesn't matter if others know what we are giving, the main thing is that our heart is free from all pride, and with good motivation ... Our heart motivation when we give is essential, it is to obey God and out of love for Him that we are called to give.

This is where this woman is an inspiration, for her motivation is clearly that of gratitude to God for who He is and the choice to depend on Him. Unlike the others, she gave her all she needed, going so far as to give everything she had to live. Which means that she had no plan B, there was in her a real attitude of faith to wait on God. Her gift is not in fact according to what she had but to the measure of her heart ... The true generosity to which we are called is thus, let us know how to give not according to what we have, but to our heart.

The sum that is given has no value, what has it is the dimension of the sacrifice ... Which means that we should never despise the small pieces that are in the offerings, because they perhaps represent be a huge sacrifice. Likewise we should never treat a person to the extent of what they give. Every gift has value in the eyes of God and He alone knows the dimension of sacrifice of hearts. Our responsibility is to know how to give not according to what we have or think we have but in a sacrificial way.

Giving everything is either an act of madness and despair, or an act of faith and dependence on God extraordinary… Another amazing thing, Jesus knowing that this woman gave all she had for living does not feel obligated to provide for its needs. He cites her as an example, and He knows that God has already provided a way to honor this woman's faith and provide for her needs. Which reveals an important point in the face of generosity. It is not the need that should motivate our gift but the revelation of God. To put it another way, we must always be ready to give, not out of duty or emotions but out of conviction.

Where are you today with regard to generosity? Do you give out of duty or from your surplus? I would like to encourage you to take a moment with the Holy Spirit, ask Him to lead you and broaden your heart. Is there an act of sacrificial generosity that you are called to do? If so, take this leap of faith!

God has blessed you richly so that you bless abundantly ...


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