This is Paul's exhortation in the previous verse and so this is what we are called to live. So let's take a moment to discover together what this means for our life and how to make it a reality… The first thing is to come and confront a false belief that there are spiritual things and others. When one is a disciple of Christ everything is spiritual. Because God is with us in everything we do. He is the One who works in us to will and to do. Putting our salvation into action is therefore a way of living in our daily lives.

Salvation is not just about our afterlife, it is about our daily life. When we chose to respond to God's call to give our life to Him by making Him our Lord and Saviour, He came to live in us through the person of the Holy Spirit. He has become the center of our lives. The Greek word that Paul uses here and which is translated as operates is “energon” which immediately makes us think of energy… God is the One who gives us the energy to live according to His benevolent purpose or to put it another way His extraordinary projects .

God created and saved us to serve Him and do His will. Putting our salvation into action is choosing to live for Him and letting Him release in us the energy of faith we need to accomplish what He created us to do. What will touch all spheres of society, God places in your heart dreams, projects and desires to make this world a better place, to reveal His love and to see lives transformed. To put our salvation into action is to live with and for Christ where we are.

Tu peux être vendeur, garagiste, prof, dans la politique, les affaires, le sport, les arts où quel qu’autre activité… Dieu est Celui qui créé le vouloir et le faire pour accomplir Sa volonté, afin d’impacter ton monde par Son amour et Sa présence. Il est Celui qui te donne la sagesse, l’intelligence et tout ce qui est nécessaire pour accomplir au mieux ce que tu fais (cf. Colossiens 3:23). Son dessein bienveillant est ce qu’Il désire libérer dans ton coeur…

For this we need to learn to invite God into our daily life, in our work, our leisure, our family lives, etc. To realize that God is there with us and that He has an extraordinary will for each of these areas of our lives. He wants to inspire us, to lead us to bless us. It is also taking the time to seek His presence and decide to let Him control our lives… Because His salvation is life in abundance (cf. John 10.10) and putting it into action is entering into this life. abundant!

Dieu t’a béni(e) richement pour que tu bénisses abondamment…


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