When things change, there are transitions, things don't go the way we want them to it seems so easy to go back to old things. This is exactly what is happening here. When Peter says “I am going to fish,” he goes back to his old activities, which he did before he met Jesus. As if these three years spent with Him were a kind of parenthesis in her life. Yes Jesus is risen, He appears regularly however things are not as before where He was permanently with them. Growth involves change, let's recognize it and embrace it ...

There is also a disappointment among the disciples, because they had not yet understood everything and they certainly did not imagine it so. There can also be disappointments in our lives as we do not always understand what God is doing and His plans. Disappointment turns us away from the mission and we need to search our hearts so as not to get caught in this trap… One telling of this is when we begin to want to let go of Christ's mission and go back to our old things. This is where you have to know how to react.

Going back is ineffective and fruitless. The disciples discovered him, a whole night fishing, taking nothing. It's not that they weren't able or that there weren't any fish. It was just that they weren't where they belonged. Going back never brings fulfillment and success… To believe the opposite is only an illusion… Our best is always ahead and the season that opens is better, not easier, probably even more difficult, but it is what God intended. So let's walk in His plans.

This event reminds us of Peter's first encounter with Jesus and his call to serve Him (cf. Luke 5: 4-11). Again Jesus gives Peter a miraculous catch and He is waiting for him on the beach with a ready meal. There is no reproach in Jesus, but only a demonstration of His love. He takes the time with Pierre to restore him, raise him up and send him to his destiny. In the same way, Jesus is not there to take you back for your faults and your shortcomings, if you go back, He does not condemn you. On the contrary, He comes to meet you to show you His love, release His miracle, restore you and give you what is necessary to move forward in His projects ...

Where are you today? Are you going back to old things? Where do you want to do it? God wants to propel you forward, into new dimensions, areas that may seem uncomfortable to you ... Hold firm, seek His presence and persevere in His projects ... He is there for you and with you. Great things are before you, trust Him and wait on Him. Why don't you take a moment in His presence now to let yourself be touched by His love and His provision.

Dieu t’a béni(e) richement pour que tu bénisses abondamment…


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