It's completely crazy and irrational what is happening here.. There was a city in the time of the prophet Elisha that could have been pleasant to live in if its source of water did not produce sterility and death. It might have been tempting for the inhabitants to throw in the towel and move to another more favorable location. However, they preferred to stay and ask God to perform a miracle. In our lives there are sometimes situations where everything seems useless, the circumstances are difficult and we feel like giving up. However do not forget that you are where you are because God placed you there, so do not resign, on the contrary make the difference to bring His life.
Here God leads Elisha to do something strange and yet so simple. As the latter throws salt into the spring, the latter becomes wholesome, thus producing life. There is nothing special about the salt Elisha used, it is the obedience of faith that makes all the difference. God asks him to use something simple that he has in his possession. That's the power of partnership, as we do our part, God does the miracle. In your situation, what is God asking you to do – probably simple and strange – in order for Him to perform His miracle.
This passage reminds us of the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:13 where He says that we are the salt of the earth… In the text above the salt transforms this source of water so that it brings life to the inhabitants of the region. Likewise, God calls us to bring His life to where we are. Our lives are meant to be pleasant for those around us. Elisha had to throw the salt away. So let us be intentional to “throw away” our lives to act kindly and bring His life. Instead of considering our needs, let's invest to meet needs, let's not seek to receive, but give who we are...
One of the sources that God has given us is certainly our mouth. May our words bring the life of Christ, encouragement, kindness, etc. It is up to us to be attentive to this source, for it can produce life or death (cf. Proverbs 18:21). To ensure that the spring that pours out of our mouths is always wholesome let us ensure that the salt of the Word of God is always there (cf. Colossians 4:6). Our words have a power to bring life and change the atmosphere where we are. And this in a lasting way, as was the case for the spring purified by Elisha.
Don't resign, on the contrary make a difference… As Elisha heard the call of the inhabitants of Jericho, know how to listen to the hearts of those around you who need the miracle of God. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and bring Life. Your world needs you and you are going to be a blessing to it.
Dieu t’a béni(e) richement pour que tu bénisses abondamment…