Have you ever realized how important and precious your life is? You are an extraordinary person, with many gifts and a real inner richness. These are not empty words, this is the truth, for you were created by God in His image (see Genesis 1:27). You have been desired, wanted and chosen from all eternity by God (cf. Psalm 139:13-18) with a future and hope. Here is the truth, whatever you think, whatever you may have been told or you may feel... It is up to you to appropriate these truths in order to live in accordance with them... Take the time to read and meditate on the few verses above and know that those who know you and know you are lucky.

The Father sent Jesus to this world for one purpose, to lay down His life for us on the cross so that we could inherit eternal life by being reconciled to the Father. His life was a real gift… He didn't count the price to pay, nor even if we deserved it, He offered himself for the world, that is to say for you and me. The true gift is always given sacrificially for the purpose of giving the best to the other in order to release joy and wholeness. Jesus was sent into the world to give himself so that we might have life in abundance.

In the same way, Jesus clearly says that in the same way He was sent into the world, He sends us. Our lives become a gift to our world, to everyone we meet. Catherine Booth, the wife of General Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, understood this well by saying to her children every day "you are not of this world for yourselves, you were sent for others , the world is waiting for you”.

This is the truth, because our lives are no longer ours since the moment we made Jesus our Lord and Saviour. On the day we were baptized by immersion (if not yet, ask to be), we ratified our commitment to die in Christ to live for and through Him… We became His disciples in order to do His works on this earth. This is why He sends us to be blessings to our world and for His kingdom to come.

If you take the time to read this prayer of Jesus in John 17, you will discover that He sends us while remaining with us, Matthew 28:20 confirms this. He has given us His Word and prays for our protection. Which means we have everything necessary to do His will. Stop for a moment… Understanding that you are sent means that you are where you belong, in your family, your place of residence, your work, etc… Jesus sent you there to be a gift for your world, then just be a blessing!

Dieu t’a béni(e) richement pour que tu bénisses abondamment…


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