par Luc Favre | 29, Apr, 2021 | A Word of Life
Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation, where you have to face pressures and trials that seem to overwhelm you? Certainly yes and if not, rest assured, it will come ... It is very likely that you have ...
par Luc Favre | 23, Apr, 2021 | A Word of Life
You have certainly noticed that the Christian life is not a long calm river, on the contrary it is a life of adventures, challenges and fights ... It is normal and we must know how to take advantage of it, because when we are in eternity with God, these things ...
par Luc Favre | 18, Apr, 2021 | A Word of Life
I don't know about you, but for years I read this verse with enthusiasm saying to myself: “wow, this is great, for the first time the Church is becoming intentional in sending people to fulfill Its Mission and to plant churches". However, I...
par Luc Favre | 9, Apr, 2021 | A Word of Life
When we speak of inheritance it means to receive something for which we did not work and of which we did nothing to deserve it… It also implies that someone else paid for it and that this person died for bequeath us his legacy ....
par Luc Favre | 3, Apr, 2021 | A Word of Life
When I was younger, I often heard that we had to serve someone else's vision first before God could give us a vision. The examples given were generally those of Joshua who served Moses or Elisha with Elijah. Which involved a ...
par Luc Favre | 3, Apr, 2021 | A Word of Life
This verse introduces us to two important principles that characterized the Church in Her beginnings. It is not a question of wanting to be nostalgic by wanting to return to the first Church, because it is not possible and it would be false ... The book of Acts does not present us ...