My first steps as a mentor
Mentoring is one of the fundamental elements of the VIE Academy program.
Partner with us to enable students to be equipped to serve God in all spheres of society and to write His Story.
Sign up as a mentor to support a student throughout their year at VIE Academy.
Persons concerned
Any person from the VIE church who accompanies a student during his year within VIE Academy, in order to allow him to develop and grow in faith.

As part of VIE Academy, being a mentor will allow you to:
• Accompany a student on an individual and regular basis
• Use mentoring tools
• Live a mentoring experience within the VIE Academy
• Benefit from personalized support throughout the duration of the mentoring relationship.
Mentoring training
You are asked to follow the training in 5 modules (program below) in order to best support your mentee.
The training contains:
• Online educational material, to be studied alone, classified by module, including videos (5 to 12 minutes), PDF files and exercises to be done alone or in pairs.
• Zoom sessions pour poser vos questions sur le cours à la formatrice et approfondir l’intégration du matériel pédagogique.
• Face-to-face group workshops to train in a small group and receive feedback
• Zoom supervision sessions to receive personalized help, discuss with the trainer and the other participants.
Being a mentor means investing in the success of a mentee by developing a relationship with him or her.
In a practical way, this implies regular meetings, namely, every 15 days during the first 2 months (mid-September to mid-November) and then you will define the rhythm at which you will meet. These are formal meetings of 60 minutes. In addition to this, it is important that you can spend time together informally in order to live and serve God together.
Training program
Module 1
To believe
- A partnership with God
- love as the foundation
- See the potential
Unit 2
- Defining VIE Academy Mentoring
- Understand the framework and the limits
- The impact of Jewish culture on mentoring.
Unit 3
Mentor Skills
- Adopt the posture of the mentor
- Discover the skills and know-how of the mentor
- Les étapes d’un mentorat
- Support for mentors.
Module 4
to listen
- Define Listening
- Listen like Jesus 1
- Listen like Jesus 2
- The Mentoring Loop: Listen and Clarify.
Module 5
To advise
- The Mentoring Loop: Questioning and Rephrasing
- The Mentoring Loop: Advisor
- Follow up and report.
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