The team

Luc & Rachel Favre are the main leaders of the VIE church and leaders of the Ambilly site. Married in May 1997, they have two wonderful children, Bérénice and Benjamin. It was in June 2002 that they set up the Thonon site and in January 2013 that they took over the Ambilly site. Both are passionate about seeing people come into their destiny by becoming true disciples of Christ.

Jonas Affo is Pasteur responsable du site de la Vallée de l’Arve.

Andrew Newsome vient d’Angleterre et est pasteur sur le site de la Valée de l’Arve.

John & Claire Schaller are pastors at the Thonon site. They are both firmly established in social and professional life and have a deep love for people.

Alexis Jude is Pasteur sur le site de Thonon

Ruilon & Gau De Moura Pinto are of Brazilian origin and are the leaders of the LusoVIE site in Thonon. Ruilon is a pastor at Elim France.

Benjamin Favre est pasteur stagiaire et leader des jeunes sur VIE.

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