Une seule Parole fait la différence !

One Word Makes the Difference!

If life is simple, this does not exclude that we regularly have to face storms. You know those moments when everything seems to fall apart, our assurances and our securities disappear, the prospect of the future seems completely blocked and where we feel ...
La connaissance produit la provision.

Knowledge produces provision.

To ask and to receive here is the promise that Jesus makes to us here… I do not know what is your experience in prayer, on the other hand what I do know is that the will of Christ is to grant us by giving us what we ask . So never let ...
Un besoin ? C’est déjà pourvu !

Un besoin ? C’est déjà pourvu !

What an extraordinary promise we have in this verse… And you can try to turn things around in all directions, when the Bible speaks of “all your needs” it means “all” and that without any exception… If you look in the Greek (language in ...
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