La tension entre le maintenant et le pas encore

The tension between now and not yet

Christ has all authority, He has accomplished everything (cf. John 19:30) and all things are subject to Him… As His disciples we have everything fully in Him (cf. Colossians 2:10). Nonetheless, we have to face one reality, there is a tension between what the Bible ...
Ne t’arrête pas en chemin

Ne t’arrête pas en chemin

The life of a disciple is not a long calm river, it is a real life of adventures and challenges. Trials are an integral part of the path that Christ has planned for us and He has warned us of it (cf. Matthew 10:16). And this verse gives us a promise ...
Accorde-toi avec Dieu

Get along with god

To have peace and what is good is something we all desire. It is the aspiration of the heart of every human being and it is normal, because it is for this that we were created… It is the desire and the plan of God to bless and fulfill us. However...
Ne démissionne pas, fais la différence

Don't quit, make a difference

It is completely crazy and irrational what is happening here. There was in the time of the prophet Elisha a city that could have been pleasant to live in if its water source did not produce sterility and death. It might have been tempting for the locals to throw ...
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