Vaincre l’inquiétude

Vaincre l’inquiétude

Have you ever noticed that you never learned to worry? Unfortunately, it is something easy and natural that destroys the life of the person who is worried and those around him. It is, however, something that has no ...
Aimer sans poser de question

Love without asking a question

This story is certainly the one that best reveals the heart of the Father, it is simply extraordinary and I encourage you to take a moment to read it in full in Luke 15: 11-32. Jesus reveals here wonderful aspects of the heart of God for us ...
Il n’est pas bon d’être seul(e)

Il n’est pas bon d’être seul(e)

It is not good that man is alone… These words coming from God denote with what precedes where He never stopped saying that it was good and very good in speaking of His Creation. This reveals an important aspect for our lives, because in reality man was not alone, ...
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