The cross is empty… Christ was crucified, He died, He was laid in the tomb, but on the third day He rose again and now He reigns in the heavens with power and authority. His Name is above any other name. By dying on the cross, Jesus became sin in our place, He took upon Himself the curse and the punishment that was reserved for us. When we approach Him by acknowledging our faults and failings to ask Him for forgiveness and choosing to part with them, then we are forgiven. He frees us from everything and the cross is empty, Jesus is no longer on it, He prays for us and our sin is no longer there because He threw it into the sea of oblivion (cf. Isaiah 43:25 )!
You are free from any condemnation and that whatever you have done. God forgave you and freed you, you are no longer considered according to your shortcomings but according to His forgiveness. Which means that nobody and nothing can accuse you, that you don't have the right to live in guilt either. To be free is to live knowing what happened while having the assurance of having been forgiven. Which means that you no longer live according to the past, but to the love and grace of God. It requires knowing how to forgive yourself by accepting what has happened and recognizing that Christ paid for everything for us. You cannot and never will do anything to deserve His forgiveness, the only thing is to live in His forgiveness.
To be free is also to recognize that yes, there can be consequences for our past sin. However, when Jesus forgave us, He also turned these consequences into a blessing. Whatever the consequences, consider them a blessing, God will use them for His glory and His kingdom come. It is up to us to know how to change the way we look at things with His gaze. Freedom is not to despise the gravity of our sin but to measure the grace and love of our God to live to the measure of it.
To be free from condemnation is also to know that the cross is empty of our past, present and future sins, because God is out of time. We don't have to live under the pressure of not sinning or the guilt of not being perfect. We know that this is the case, that our life is not yet fully in accord with God's will - which implies that there is still sin. To live in this freedom, we must learn to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Which means to live by letting our spirit dominate our lives, for it is He who is in relation with the Holy Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is choosing to make God and His Kingdom our priority. To keep our mind in relation to Him. Which is simple and possible when we develop our prayer life in tongues.
Praying in the Spirit can be done at any time and in all circumstances, even when you are busy with something else ... Because it is the Holy Spirit who comes to pray through and in us. The more you will develop your prayer life in tongues, the more you will live in His freedom. God gave everything so that you walk in His freedom and that through you others discover this life of freedom. So stop a moment to pray, let the Holy Spirit search your heart. Free yourself from condemnation and take time to intentionally pray in tongues for long periods of time.
God has blessed you richly so that you bless abundantly ...