par Luc Favre | 28, Nov, 2021 | A Word of Life
The apostle John is giving us here a revelation of what is happening in the spiritual world and it is important to remember that what we experience in this world is only a reflection of what is happening in the spiritual world. Not grasping this truth is struggling ...
par Luc Favre | 21, Nov, 2021 | A Word of Life
The Bible contains many promises, for God desires to fulfill and bless us beyond measure. However, our reality is sometimes that we know the promises of God without however being the reality in our daily life. These promises ...
par Luc Favre | 21, Nov, 2021 | A Word of Life
If we are not vigilant it is very easy to get into a routine life where we are comfortable with our lifestyle and habits. If we are not careful, our thinking becomes secular. We must remember that Christ reigns and ...
par Luc Favre | 6, Nov, 2021 | A Word of Life
This is literally what “triumph” means here. It is about filling the atmosphere with cries of triumph. Usually this is what we do when we are happy, when we have good news, a victory or great joy. However, here he ...
par Luc Favre | 25, Oct, 2021 | A Word of Life
Christ has all authority, He has accomplished everything (cf. John 19:30) and all things are subject to Him… As His disciples we have everything fully in Him (cf. Colossians 2:10). Nonetheless, we have to face one reality, there is a tension between what the Bible ...
par Luc Favre | 18, Oct, 2021 | A Word of Life
The life of a disciple is not a long calm river, it is a real life of adventures and challenges. Trials are an integral part of the path that Christ has planned for us and He has warned us of it (cf. Matthew 10:16). And this verse gives us a promise ...